We are teaming up with Ocean Blue Happy Hours (OBHH) for a happy hour titled, “The Circle of Mentoring: Leveraging Mentoring to Build an Aquatic Career" on July 16, 2020, from 5-6:30pm ET. The discussion will be focused on leveraging mentoring to build careers in aquatic fields. We will discuss how to be a good mentor and mentee, how to find mentors, and the importance of mentoring in paying it forward to future generations and creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive field. We will share speakers, agenda, and mentorship training resources as we get closer.
Date/time: July 16, 2020 5-6:30pm ET
Platform: Bluejeans
Info about Ocean Blue Happy Hours:
Ocean Blue Happy Hours are a series of virtual oceans-themed happy hours with moderated discussions on topics of interest to the community, and opportunities for networking in breakout sessions. Happy hours are open to participants at all career stages and backgrounds. We welcome any and all ocean lovers and practitioners.